This is Mrs. Merryfeather. She is very intelligent. She loves mysteries and is always on the lookout for a case she can solve. She suspects everyone and it is impossible to win an argument with her. She can be rather "giddy-gaddy" at times and it is hard to keep up with her conversation. She's quick and rather peculiar and will find every opportunity to crack the case. So don't be surprised when you invite her to tea and find her crawling under furniture or standing in a dark corner listening in on seemingly meaningless conversations.
And when someone kidnaps your poodle or leaves their size 9 1/2 penny-loafers on your doorstep, you know who to call... Please go and say 'ello to her in the shop! {Click HERE}
- -Thanks Anna K. for the brilliant idea of the name! - -
xo ~Marguerite
Pretty Wit