I have put three hats in the shop! They are fun for you and for your American Girl/18 inch doll!
First (a people hat) we have:

The Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Then we have a fun frilly hat for your American Girl doll or any 18 inch doll:
Kay Marie Hat
And a fun retro glamor girl hat for your American Girl or 18 inch doll.
The Abby hat
I hope you like them all!
post script: Stay tuned in to win a giveaway!
They look adorable!
Sooo cute! I'm very impressed! I can only crochet reeeeally long rectangles! They never seem to materialize into anything as cute as your hats! :) Christine
Thank you Girlies! Such complements! I feel like I'm a queen! I had a very fun time making them! And Christine, Don't get discouraged! Everyone starts out with reaaally long rectangles! In fact they usually never stop making rectangles! Its a very useful thing to know and perfect! I still have a hard time of it trying to get the sides strait... I never count my stitches. I'm a bad-o! shhh!
Hello lovelies! I've given you an award! http://theartofclothes.blogspot.com/2009/05/award.html
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